报告题目:Multiple Effects of Localised Surface Plasmon Resonance in Visible-light Photocatalysis
报告人:朱怀勇 教授 (澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学)
报告时间:2019年8月30日 星期五 上午 10:00
报告地点:蒙民伟楼 706室
Plasmonic photocatalysts have attracted recent interest due to the strong absorption of visible and ultraviolet light by plasmonic metal nanoparticles. The energy absorbed by the metal conduction electrons and the intense electric fields in proximity, created by the localized surface plasmon resonance effect, makes the crucial contribution of activating the molecules on the metal nanoparticles which facilitates chemical transformation. Alloy nanoparticle catalysts have been developed to expand the application and tune product selectivity of plasmonic catalysis. Recently we found that visible light-illuminated metal nanoparticles generate very strong electromagnetic fields around them which could be several orders stronger than the field of the incident light. The sharp field gradient also makes a force, but the ability of the force to attract molecules to the nanoparticles also depends on the specific molecule. Molecules that absorb light to be excited have a much stronger attracting force than those that do not absorb light. Thus, this provides opportunity for molecule selectivity as a light-induced process of selectively driving molecules to the metal nanoparticles can be used. These findings open up a new gate of opportunities for novel research ideas and development across various fields of work.
朱怀勇,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学教授。研究领域涉及新型吸附剂、光催化剂、以及陶瓷纳米纤维超滤膜等应用基础研究。2008年最先报告金纳米颗粒光催化剂,开创一个新领域。曾获澳大利亚科学院J. G. Russell奖等奖励。在国际期刊发表文章202篇,其中在国际一流化学和材料科学学术期刊JACS、Angew. Chem.、Chem、Adv. Mater.发表文章17篇,被引用15000多次。H-index 65。28次受邀在国际学术会议上做邀请报告,与澳洲,中国,比利时,美国,日本和德国同行有广泛的科研合作。2007年至今,科研工作因三个领域的研究成果而为人瞩目。这些研究成果包括:

1) 负载的金属纳米颗粒的可见光催化研究
3) 金属氧化物纳米纤维作为过滤层的陶瓷膜的研究。
2018年11月被《澳大利亚人报》关于澳洲科研的特别报告列为材料化学领域的最领先者the national leader of the Field Chemical & Material Sciences (general) https://specialreports.theaustralian.com.au/1163512/