Zhou Lin


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  Zhou Lin

Associate professor

Address: Rm. 811, Science Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University (NJU)

Email: linzhou@nju.edu.cn

Research Areas:

Plasmonics; the mechanisms, manipulation and application of solar energy’s light-heat-electricity conversion via artificial microstructures


Wave Guiding Optics


Zhou Lin received her Bachelor in 2004 from the School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, and received her master’s in 2007 and Ph.D. in 2012 from the School of Physics, Nanjing University (NJU).

In 2013, Zhou became an associate researcher and then associate professor at NJU.

She was a lecturer and associate professor at School of Electronic Engineering, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University in 2007 to 2018, and in the same year she visited the Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, USA, and became an adjunct research scientist there till her return in 2019.

Research Achievements:

Main papers in recent 5 years (*corresponding author)

[1]Zhou, Lin, Li, Xiuqiang, Ni, George, W., Zhu, Shining, & Zhu, Jia.* (2019). The revival of thermal utilization from the sun: interfacial solar vapor generation. National Science Review. (doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwz030).

[2]Liang, Jie, Liu, Haizhou, Yu, Jianyu, Zhou, Lin,* & Zhu, Jia.* (2019). Plasmon-enhanced solar vapor generation. Nanophotonics, 8(5), 771–786.

[3] Jin, Yan, Zhou, Lin,* Yu, Jianyu, Liang, Jie, Cai, Wenshan, Zhang, Huigang, Zhu, Shining, & Zhu, Jia. (2018). In operando plasmonic monitoring of electrochemical evolution of lithium metal. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 115, 11168-11173.

[4]Wang, Yang, Zhou, Lin,* Zhang, Ye, Yu, Jianyu, Huang, Baili, Lai, Yun, Zhu, Shining, & Zhu, Jia.* (2018). Hybrid solar absorber-emitter by coherence-enhanced absorption for improved solar thermophotovoltaic conversion. Advanced Optical Materials, 6, 1800813.

[5]Chen, Chuanlu, Zhou, Lin,* Yu, Jianyu, Wang, Yuxi, Nie, Shuming, Zhu, Shining, & Zhu, Jia.* (2018). Dual functional asymmetric plasmonic structures for solar water purification and pollution detection. Nano Energy, 51, 451-456.

[6]Yu, Jianyu, Zhou, Lin,* Wang, Yang, Tan, Yingling, Wang, Zhenlin, Zhu, Shining, & Zhu, Jia.* (2018). Three dimensional TiO2/Au nanoparticles for plasmon enhanced photocatalysis. Journal of optics, 20(3), 034005.

[7]Zhou, Lin, Zhuang, Shendong, He, Chengyu, Tan, Yingling, Wang, Zhenlin, & Zhu, Jia. (2017). Self-assembled spectrum selective plasmonic absorbers with tunable bandwidth for solar energy conversion. Nano Energy, 32(Complete), 195-200.

[8]Zhou, Lin, Tan, Yingling, Wang, Jingyang, Xu, Weichao, Yuan, Ye, Cai, Wenshan, Zhu, Shining, & Zhu, Jia. (2016). 3D self-assembly of aluminium nanoparticles for plasmon-enhanced solar desalination. Nature Photonics, 10, 393.

[9]Zhou, Lin, Tan, Yingling, Ji, Dengxin, Zhu, Bin, Zhang, Pei, Xu, Jun, Gan, Qiaoqiang, Yu, Zongfu, & Zhu, Jia. (2016). Self-assembly of highly efficient, broadband plasmonic absorbers for solar steam generation. Science Advances, 2(4), e1501227.

[10] Zhou, Lin, Yu, Xiaoqiang, & Zhu, Jia. (2014). Metal-core/semiconductor-shell nanocones for broadband solar absorption enhancement. Nano Letters, 14(2), 1093-1098.

Graduate Student Advisement

1-2 Master’s Degree candidate(s). The program is open to post-doctoral researchers who are willing to join it