Assistant Researcher | |
Office: Room A205, Tang Zhongying Building | |
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Research Interest: Thermal transport and Phononics in nanoscale, Ultrafast photoacoustics, Photoacoustic nondestructive testing, Artificial microstructure materials Personal profile: Xuejun Yan received his Ph. D. in materials science and engineering from the College of Modern Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS) of Nanjing University in 2017. His research interests mainly include thermal transport and phononics in nanoscale, ultrafast photoacoustics and its application technology, laser ultrasonic nondestructive testing, artificial microstructure materials and devices, etc. He is specialized in the development and applications of photoacoustic precision detection systems, including TDTR thin film thermal conductivity measurement system, picosecond laser ultrasonics, high frequency laser vibrometers, vector acoustic sensors, microphone array and other series of non-destructive testing, acoustic and vibration measuring instruments. Now he has published more than 20 scientific papers in Nat. Mater., Adv. Mater., APL and other SCI magazines, and applied for more than 20 patents, of which 4 have been authorized and 1 has been transferred. He is now in charge of one National Natural Science Foundation (NSF) youth project, participates in one key project of NSF, and manages multiple R&D projects for enterprises. Education and work experience: 2017/08 - present, Assistant Researcher, College of Modern Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University 2012/09 - 2017/06, Ph.D. student, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University 2008/09 - 2012/06, Undergraduate, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University Representative papers: Chen Di, Jia Hui Pan, Song Tao Dong, Yangyang Lv, Xue-Jun Yan*, Jian Zhou, Shu-Hua Yao*, Hong Lu, Vitalyi E. Gusev, Yan-Feng Chen, and Ming-Hui Lu, Ultralow cross-plane lattice thermal conductivity caused by Bi–O/Bi–O interfaces in natural superlattice-like single crystals, CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 6261-6268. Lin Cao, Jiahui Pan, Hangfei Zhang, YanYan Zhang, Yizhang Wu, Yang-Yang Lv, Xue-jun Yan*, Jian Zhou, Y. B. Chen, Shu-hua Yao*, Yanzhong Pei, Ming-hui Lu, and Yan-feng Chen, One-Order Decreased Lattice Thermal Conductivity of SnSe Crystals by the Introduction of Nanometer SnSe2 Secondary Phase, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019, 123, 45, 27666-27671. Xue-Jun Yan, Yang-Yang Lv, Lei Li, Xiao Li, Shu-Hua Yao, Yan-Bin Chen, Xiao-Ping Liu, Hong Lu*, Ming-Hui Lu* and Yan-Feng Chen, Composition dependent phase transition and its induced hysteretic effect in the thermal conductivity of WxMo1−xTe2, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2017, 110, 211904. Xue-Jun Yan, Yang-Yang Lv, Lei Li, Xiao Li, Shu-Hua Yao, Yan-Bin Chen, Xiao-Ping Liu, Hong Lu*, Ming-Hui Lu* and Yan-Feng Chen, Investigation on the phase-transition-induced hysteresis in the thermal transport along the c-axis of MoTe2, npj Quantum Mater., 2017, 2 (1), 31. Xue-Jun Yan, Xiao-Ping Liu, Xu Ni, Ze-Guo Chen, Ming-Hui Lu* and Yan-Feng Chen, Reduce thermal conductivity by forming a nano-phononic crystal on a Si slab, EPL, 2014, 106, 56002.