于涵洋 教授
Biochemistry aims to understand how the inanimate molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates interact to maintain and perpetuate life, and attempts to explain the unifying principle behind the vast diversity of life forms. By taking this course, students would be able to understand the structures and properties of different biological molecules, and to explain the molecular events of various biological processes including food digestion and absorption, macromolecule biosynthesis and energy transformation. Aside from basic biochemistry knowledge, select hot topics such as genetically modified organisms and cancer immunotherapy, as well as other common health- and food-related questions would also be discussed.
The philosophy of this course is to intrigue students by relating complex biochemical processes to common phenomena seen in everyday life. Knowing the molecular actions behind the seemingly ordinary living organisms, students would start to appreciate more the beauty and delicacy of life. Students would also benefit from this course in that they could develop skills to read between the lines of scientific literature, and to hear the unspoken at academic seminars. It is hoped that students of this course, when facing difficulties in their future lives, would analyze problems scientifically and tackle problems strategically.
本课程知识可分为两个大的模块:生物大分子的结构与功能、生物大分子的新陈代谢。第一个模块结构与功能对应9 周36 个学时,讲授蛋白质、糖类、脂类和核酸的结构与功能,重点是蛋白质及酶(占据5 周20 个学时)。第二个模块新陈代谢对应7 周28 个学时,讲授分解代谢和合成代谢,重点是人体如何从食物中获取能量和如何利用能量合成自身所需的生物大分子。
课程重点在于理解人体内的各类生物化学反应及其在日常生活中的应用。本课程教材选用国际上通用的生物化学教材Lehninger Principle of Biochemistry 国际版第六版,院系统一采购了足够数量的教材供学生免费借阅。
在课堂教学中,引入大量生物分子动画视频,帮助学生动态地理解生物大分子的结构与功能。除了课堂教学之外,全班学生分为5 个小组进行口头报告,报告题目由小组选定一个与生物化学相关的话题。鼓励小组成员分工合作,利用网络资源和科学文献,面向全班对选定题目做不少于20 分钟的口头报告。
本课程采用多种网络手段与学生互动,包括校内FTP 分享课件及其它文件、电子邮件和微信群,实现有效实时师生互动。本课程以课堂讲授为主,学生讨论热点问题为辅的方法实施教学。授课使用的幻灯片与动画视频均会在课前提供给学生方便其上课前预习、听课时记录和考试前复习使用。