Versatile Metal-Organic Frameworks


报告题目:Versatile Metal-Organic Frameworks
Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFs), or Porous Coordination Polymers (PCPs), assembled from secondary building units (SBUs) and organic linkers where the ligands act as ‘struts’ bridging the metal coordination units in turn acting as ‘joints’ in the resulting MOF architecture, have attracted intensive research interests. The structural diversity, high porosity, and thermal stability make MOFs ideal candidates for a wide range of applications like gas storage and separation, selective heterogeneous catalysis, carbon dioxide capture, guest dependent luminescence, etc. So far, MOF keeps porosity world-record, with a BET surface area > 6000 m2/g. Moreover, recent discovery of semiconductive properties further extended MOFs’ applications into the field of photo-catalysts and photoelectrochemstry. 
In this talk, schematic and practical applications of MOFs in the filed of a) energy-based applications, b) catalysis, c) thin films and devices and d) photoelectrochemistry are presented based on my researches in past years.
  刘波博士于2009年获得日本神户大学工学博士学位(与产业技术综合研究所(关西中心)联合培养), 之后在德国鲁尔大学和卡尔斯鲁尔大学从事为期两年的洪堡学者. 现作为玛丽.居里学者(Marie Curiae Intra-European Fellowship)在英国利物浦大学从事研究工作. 从博士阶段开始一直致力于金属有机杂化多孔材料(Metal-Organic Frameworks, MOFs)的研究, 主要应用于催化, 薄膜以及能源材料等相关领域.  在J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等各类国际权威学术刊物发表过近20篇相关的重要学术论文。
时间:2012年 11月27日 上午9:30