Molecular Electronics and Single Molecular Interactions: Molecular Basis and Mechanistic Understanding


报告人:Professor Bingqian Xu, College of Engineering, University of Georgia



Single molecule study, where science and engineering met, applies the tools and measurement techniques of nanoscale physics and chemistry to generate remarkable new insights into how physical, chemical, and biological systems function. It permits direct observation of molecular behavior that can be obscured by ensemble averaging and enables the study of important problems ranging from the fundamental physics of electronic transport in single molecule junctions and biophysics of single molecule interactions, such as the energetics and nonequilibrium transport mechanisms in single molecule junctions and the energy landscape of biomolecular reactions, associated lifetimes, and free energy, to the study and design of single molecules as devices-molecular wires, rectifiers and transistors and high‐affinity, anti‐cancer drugs.

Prof. Bingqian Xu got his Ph.D. in Science and Engineering of Materials at Arizona State University in 2014, and became an associate professor in College of Engineering University of Georgia in 2011. He has 60+ publications, 56.83  itations per publication (total citations: 3,427), H-factor: 22. Most publications are in top journals, e.g. Science, Chem. Soc. Rev., Angew. Chem., Nano Lett., ACS Nano, JACS, PNAS, Small, Chem. Comm., etc.

