3D Graphene and BN Nanosheets: Chemical-Bubbling Synthesis and Practical Applications



The concept "3D-designed nanosheet architecture" is most desired to overcome the poor inter-sheet connections between normal nanosheet individuals, to provide the continuous pathway for electron/phonon transports and force transfer. Here I report a newly created "chemical blowing" approach starting from polymeric predecessors to synthesize a serials of new 3D nanosheets, including 3D strutted graphene, 3D BN as well as BN nanosheets. Strutted graphene provides intimate structural interconnectivities and large porosity, enabling the ultra-high power density discharge in the supercapacitors. Besides, the mass-produced BN nanosheets fundamentally ensures and promotes the studies of BN filled polymeric composites for high thermo-conductive insulting packaging materials for modern electronics. The original high-yield low-cost "chemical blowing" method opens up a wide horizon for diverse practical applications.


王学斌博士,毕业于bw必威西汉姆联官网,随后在早稻田大学获博士学位。2013年在国立物质材料研究机构任博士后、之后任ICYS研究员(Researcher of International Center for Young Scientists),致力于石墨烯、氮化硼等无机功能纳米材料的合成及其能量存储器件、复合材料的开发。在Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater.等期刊上发表近30篇论文,参加国际学术会议20余次,数次发表口头和邀请报告,主持JSPS等科研基金两项,为Nat. Commun.等期刊审稿人。