A superaligned carbon nanotube (CNT) array is a special kind of vertically aligned CNT array with the capability of being converted into continuous films and yarns. The as-produced CNT fi lms are transparent and highly conductive, with aligned CNTs parallel to the direction of drawing. After passing through volatile solutions or being twisted, CNT films can be further condensed into shrunk yarns. These shrunk yarns possess high tensile strengths and Young’s moduli, and are good conductors. Many applications of CNT films and shrunk yarns have been demonstrated, such as TEM grids, loudspeakers, touch screens, etc.
范守善长期从事新型功能材料的制备与物性研究,近十余年的研究方向集中在纳米尺度材料的科学与技术,主要研究方向为碳纳米管的生长机理、可控制合成与应用探索。已发表SCI论文100余篇,部分研究结果发表在《科学》(Science)和《自然》(Nature)等国际权威学术期刊上。研究成果曾被列入中国十大科技新闻、科技部十项基础研究成果和中国高等学校十大科技进展。1999年获教育部首届“长江学者成就奖”二等奖。指导的博士生的学位论文有两篇入选“ 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文”。