Plasmonics for Engineering of Nanoscale Light-matter Interaction



报告题目:Plasmonics for Engineering of Nanoscale Light-matter Interaction

报告人:Jer-Shing Huang (黃哲勳)
Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan
时间地点:11月14日(周五)10:00am, 科学楼902

Well-designed plasmonic nanostructures can concentrate light at sub-wavelength area and offer possibility to engineer and manipulate nanoscale light-matter interaction. In this talk, I will present recent progress in my research group, including the following four topics: (1) Conversion of guided optical modes in a complex plasmonic optical nanocircuit [1]. I will give details in the design, fabrication, detection and analysis of the plasmonic nanocircuits. (2) Surface plasmon-enhanced circular dichroism [2] and (3) Optical manipulation of particles using well-designed plasmonic optical near fields. This part would include our recent works on sub-wavelength optical lattice [3], bi-functional plasmonic Archimedes’ spiral trap [4] and the latest unpublished results on simultaneous trapping and chiral analysis. Finally, I will present our recent results on the modulation of two-photon photoluminescence of gold due to antenna eigenmodes [5].

[1] Dai, W.-H.; Lin, F.-C.; Huang, C.-B.; Huang, J.-S.* Mode conversion in high-definition plasmonic optical nanocircuits Nano Letters 2014, 14, 3881-3886.
[2] Lin D., Huang J.-S.* Optics Express 2014, 22, 7434-7445.
[3] Chen, K.-Y.; Lee, A.-T.; Hung, C.-C.; Huang, J.-S.*; Yang, Y.-T.* Transport and trapping in two-dimensional nanoscale plasmonic optical lattice Nano Letters 2013, 13, 4118-4122.
[4] Tsai, W.-Y.; Huang, J.-S; Huang, C.-B.* Selective Trapping or Rotation of Isotropic Dielectric Micro-Particles by Optical Near Field in a Plasmonic Archimedes Spiral Nano Letters 2014, 14, 547-552.
[5] Chen, W.-L.; Lin, F.-C.; Lee, Y.-Y.; Li, F.-C.; Chang, Y.-M.; Huang, J.-S.* The modulation effect of transverse, antibonding, and higher-order longitudinal modes on the two-photon photoluminescence of gold plasmonic nanoantennas ACS Nano 2014, 8, 9053-9062.


黃哲勳博士目前為國立清華大學化學系助理教授。2004年於國立台灣大學化學系取得博士學位,博士研究主題為氣態原子光譜。2005-2006年於台灣中央研究院原子暨分子科學研究所擔任博士後研究員,研究興趣為單分子顯微術。2007-2010年前往德國維爾茲堡大學(Wuerzburg University)實驗物理系,跟隨Prof. Dr. Bert Hecht進行博士後研究,主要研究興趣為plasmonic nanoantennas and nanocircuits。黃博士之專長為顯微術、物理化學與光譜分析,目前研究興趣為奈米尺度下光與物質作用之設計與調控。 (